Legend In The Flesh

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We all dream of meeting our heroes in the flesh and sometimes dreams are all we have. I recently re-discovered a few of Tokona’s live videos. I’ve seen some before, several years ago, but got interested in a few of the suggestions at the end of another Tokona-X video I was watching and decided to check them out.

My favourite one is actually three songs mixed together with the live audio and video, then the live video and studio recording. ‘Shirazaa Itte Kikaseya Show’ (知らざあ言って聞かせやSHOW) is followed by ‘I’m in Charge’, then ‘Nexxxt Big Thing’. For me, hearing him on a track is a powerful experience. Seeing him perform live would be one of the greatest things I could do; but unfortunately, that will never be possible.

When Tokona-X takes to the stage, he seems to be in a new place, up there doing his own thing to entertain the crowd without worrying about anything else. He’s quite aggressive and yet relaxed, very happy in his own skin, doing something he enjoys. That’s the best way to get a crowd going as they feed off his genuine energy, the excitement he generates by his gestures and the way he looks at the crowd.

Entertaining the Audience

A big part of Hip-Hop is entertaining the audience and that’s the reason rap music came about; a way to entertain an audience. It’s as though the relaxed way he goes about his art is because that was his calling and that comes through in his mannerisms. That’s the original reason I began listening to him. He was doing something different from the other Japanese rappers, but in a way that felt natural and as though he was making a big contribution to the art form.

Of the rap and non rap music artists  I’ve seen, he is more aggressive and that’s what you’d expect. Even so, everything he does is controlled and calculated The brand of rap music Tokona performs is one that relies even more on having the attitude that you’re the best, you’re on top and nobody comes close. He pulls this persona off really well, having a stage presence to match the content of his lyrics.

Using Props

A rapper is of course an MC aka Master of Ceremonies. And when it’s time to entertain the crowd, a great rapper will use not only their voice, but also props on stage. Tokona-X really knows how to be a Master of Ceremonies from what I can see, getting the crowd going like a hype man.

The sweat towel is his strongest prop, being there to wipe his brow and whip the audience into a frenzy. A staple of the rapper’s repertoire, Tokona-X uses his to great effect.

The second weapon he makes good use of is the crotch grab. I’m not sure what he’s trying to find in his pants, but he seems to find it and whips it out to the delight of the audience. Perhaps it’s the sweat towel he’s looking for?

The third prop is the use of hype men. They’re perhaps the weakest part of the display in that sometimes, it looks as though they’re just there to make up numbers, as in the video above. It’s not possible to hear everything that’s going on and they don’t do any rapping in this particular montage.

Legend Lives On

Recorded, Tokona-X sounds so energetic and passionate. Of course, I’ve only seen and heard recordings of his live performances, but he really comes to life as if he was right in front of me performing. Being able to actually see someone do something they clearly enjoy and were born to do is a great feeling. From the change in excitement I feel from his recordings to the live performances, I think he’d be a sight to behold in the flesh. All I can do now, is seek out more of his live shows and dream of what could have been.

One thought on “Legend In The Flesh

  1. Michael

    Brings back memories.. I know Tokona-X for years from this video exactly and I listen and watch it every year and more often I’m dreaming and playing it in my head eapecially the energic start from the video. I don’t listen very much to the hip-hop or rap, to the asian music even less I listen mostly to the classical and epic instrumental music. But this piece and Tokona-X is something different as is pointed in the article and it’s not necessary to repeat it again..

    I just wanted to thank you for this. What a spectacular man and art in Tokona-X, there isn’t and probably never ever be different artist and this show in particular that will be repeatedly playing in my head whenever I feel like I want to roar and do my things after long hard shifts.

    Strong yet relaxed, pumped with unlimited energy yet using it in controlled manner like a dancer. Words can’t describe this legend recognized and respected even between not hip-hop/rap genre fans.

    Keep rollin !
    Sorry for bad english, best regards Michael from Czech Republic


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